Cut Piece Redux In 1999 I created “Yoko Ono, Cut Piece Redux.” I conceptualized Yoko reprising her incredible performance art “Cut Piece,” which she first performed in the early 1960’s when she was young and conformed more closely to society’s definition of beauty. I thought it would be profound to see how the piece would
Undamaged Piss Christ In early 2010, Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ, widely considered to be one of the most important pieces of art in the 20th century, was on exhibit at the Yvon Lambert exhibit in Versailles. Early one morning, three religious zealots, who did not understand the artistic statement the piece was making, scuffled with
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Pregnancy #5 Ashes from a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage. This artwork is a commentary on the frailty of life, as well as a monument and place of serenity and reflection for the millions who have had pregnancies end, whether through choice or nature. Loss of pregnancy and the haunting echos of “what might have